48 Heartwarming Proposal Stories

Whether you're ready to pop the question or just in need of a quick serotonin boost, these swoon-worthy proposals are sure to inspire.

The proposal sets the stage for your incredible journey towards becoming husband and wife. From carefully orchestrated to totally spontaneous to asking with the help of loved ones or unusual props, we love reading all of the unbelievably sweet, hilarious and thoughtful proposal submissions that we receive from BG readers around the world.

Here, we've rounded up some of our favorites for your viewing pleasure. P.S. Recently engaged? Submit your proposal story to us via Facebook or Instagram!

Holiday Wishes Come True

Christmas Eve/Christmas:

"Last year on Christmas Eve, my fiancé had secretly set up a scavenger hunt around my house. So on Christmas morning, one of his clues told me to go outside to the front porch. I discovered a GIANT box sitting there, waiting for me. The last clue read, "Just say 'YES'," and all of a sudden, the box burst open, and I saw that my fiancé had been hiding inside of it the whole morning!" —Stephanie Ealey

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Ealey's fiancé popped out of a gift box to propose!
Photo Credit: Stephanie Ealey

"My fiancé asked his parents and my parents to celebrate Christmas together last year. He was making a toast to thank everybody for being there when all of a sudden he got down on one knee to pop the question — I was just as surprised as everyone else in the room. My parents actually cried. I fell in love all over again." —Marcia Sancho

"I thought we were going to get our two-year Christmas bulb from Bronner's. After we picked it up, we went and walked to the little white church in front of the store. He asked me to open the box and this ornament is what I saw. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him, and of course I said yes!" —Lindsie Smith

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Smith relives her sweet proposal each year when she trims her Christmas tree. 
Photo Credit: Lindsie Smith

"My fiancé proposed to me on September 26, 2012, the day before he was about to leave for the military. Since we wouldn't be spending Christmas and New Year's Eve together, we decided to at least put up our little Christmas tree before he left for deployment. After we put it up, he suddenly knelt in front of me, took a small box out from his pocket, opened it, and popped the question. I honestly didn't understand or remember everything he said, because I was so surprised and began crying...We're planning to get married when he comes home next year." —Enid Eunice Ventura Garcia

"My fiancé proposed on December 27th. After a long day of work, I came home and saw rose petals strewn on the floor. He had also arranged the Christmas lights on our wall to say 'Will you marry me?' and he was all dressed up in a dress shirt and tie! He came up with the idea on his own." —Patricia Handy


"My fiancé proposed to me on Thanksgiving last year in front of my mom, my dad, my children and his children. My mom handed him the rings that my dad originally gave her when they got married over 50 years ago and she said that we had their blessing. So my fiancé called everyone into the living room while dinner was cooking, and he got down on one knee and told me he loved me and wanted me to be his wife. I cried, my daughter cried, his daughter cried, my parents were happy for us...it was awesome!" —Christine Lewis Gauthier

Mardi Gras:

"During Mardi Gras this past year, my fiancé jumped off of the float he was riding on (he had asked for permission) and came over to the barricade where he knew I would be standing with all of our friends and relatives. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Then our friends and family members threw rose petals on us, which he had planned. It was amazing — definitely a proposal for the record books." —Corinne Bogar

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Bogar's fiancé hired a photographer to make sure the big moment was captured perfectly on camera.
Photo Credit: Corinne Bogar

Mother's Day

"My fiancé proposed on my first Mother's Day with the help of our four-month old son, who was wearing a custom onesie that said, 'Mommy, will you marry my Daddy?' I couldn't have asked for a more special moment." —Kelly Bickford

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After helping Daddy pop the question, they changed the baby into a onesie tux!
Photo Credit: Kelly Bickford

The Fourth of July:

"My fiancé proposed on the Fourth of July. My mother asked us to go to the backyard to get some chairs and he took me by the shed where we could see all of the fireworks. He kissed me, then he took the ring box out of his pocket and asked me to be his wife. He was shaking a little. The proposal was a little silly but perfect, just like him." —Bri Wallace Cords

Sadie Hawkins Day:

"On February 29th I asked my fiancé to marry me! I sent him a Sommeecards on Facebook. He commented 'yes' and we changed our relationship status to 'engaged.' We met online so it was perfect for us!" —Rachel Gallagher

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Gallagher and her fiancé are currently planning their August 2014 wedding
and they have a beautiful four-month-old baby girl together.
Photo Credit: Rachel Gallagher

The Best Birthday or Anniversary Ever

Birthday Proposals:

"It was my 30th birthday party and I had a 1930s theme. My fiancé made a speech about how far we've come and the heartaches we've endured. Everyone that was close to us was there. He got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife. We're getting married on September 13, 2014! He is my true love." —Megan Corrigan

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We love Corrigan's Great Gatsby-esque proposal outfit!
Photo Credit: Megan Corrigan

"Last year, I turned 20 on October 5th, and my fiancé and I were having a couples photo shoot. We were up in the mountains with such beautiful scenery, and we kept moving up the mountain more and more, until we got to a spot that overlooks the lake. He signaled our photographer — who knew what was about to take place — and when I turned around, I saw that he was down on one knee. It was the most magical day ever!" —Amanda Louise Buck

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Buck and her handsome fiancé are getting married on April 5, 2014.
Photo Credit: Amanda Louise Buck

"My fiancé proposed to me at my 50th birthday party in May. He told all of the guests how we met and how we eventually got together after 31 years." —Carol Taylor

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Taylor's priceless expression as all of the action unfolded.
Photo Credit: Carol Taylor

"My fiancé and I have been going out for eight years — we're middle school sweethearts! On my fiancé's birthday weekend, he asked me to marry him. He knew I would be surprised since I planned the special day for him. We were walking in the Boston Public Garden when he asked." —Carissa Boutelle

What made the proposal even more gratifying: Boutelle tells us that she had to overcome some hardships in order to get engaged to her fiancé, including a cultural barrier between her and his parents.
Photo Credit: Carissa Boutelle

Anniversary Proposals:

"My fiancé Steve had planned a special 'picnic on the beach at sunset' to celebrate the anniversary of when we started dating. It was a beautiful, romantic evening and the sky was filled with brilliant colors. Just as the sun set, he got down on one knee and told me that he loved me with his whole heart and wanted me to be his wife! I was so surprised and happy." —Kim Vogrin

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Vogrin will never forget the moment her fiancé slipped her dream engagement ring on her finger
and asked her to be his wife.
Photo Credit: Kim Vogrin

"My fiancé proposed on August 8, 2011, our one-year anniversary. We were at the same mini golf place where we went on our first date. On our first date, he tried to kiss me under this cave they have there and I denied him because I was oblivious to what was happening (mainly because I take mini golf very seriously!).

So he decided to make up for that a year later. He proposed — after asking my parents for their blessing — and I was so in shock that I said, 'Wait, what?' He whisked me away the following week to Florida to celebrate with my family. It was the happiest moment of my life. I'm really glad we turned a fail from our first date into something amazing!" —Alexis Bartorillo

"I got engaged on Santa Monica Pier at the top of the Ferris Wheel. My fiancé and I were there celebrating our seven-year anniversary. I saw four friends holding signs that read 'Will you marry me?' I started crying and I couldn't stop hugging my fiancé." —Ericka J. Otero 

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Otero's proposal sign was created using glow sticks!
Photo Credit: Ericka J. Otero

A Vacation You'll Never Forget

"He proposed on the balcony of our hotel overlooking the ocean at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and my ring was hidden in this shell! The beach has always been my favorite place." —Kristin Gunnell Price

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Price's seashell contained a dazzling diamond ring.
Photo Credit: Kristin Gunnell Price

"During the first weekend of December last year, my husband planned a surprise beach trip. He took me shopping, sent me to the spa, and later that night as we were walking along the beach, he wrote 'Will you marry me?' in the sand and he got down on one knee. We've been happily married since June 22nd." —Jordan Davis

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A sweet nighttime stroll lead to the biggest proposition of Davis' life.
Photo Credit: Jordan Davis

"My fiancé and I went to Italy on a family trip last July and our first stop was Rome. The whole week we were there, we skipped over the Trevi fountain — the one thing I wanted to see the most. On Friday the 13th (which is actually considered to be a lucky date in Europe), my fiancé and I wandered off on our own. His parents and his brother pretended to be tired and said they'd meet us at a coffee shop later on, which I thought was weird, but I didn't question it.

When we got to the fountain, he asked if I was going to take any photos, and I said no, since I had already taken some earlier in the week. He told me to take a few more. It was about 8:30 a.m. so no one was around. We sat down and just as I grabbed my camera, I saw that he was on bended knee. He asked me to spend the rest of his life with him and I said yes! We spent the rest of the day at the Colosseum, followed by two weeks in Southern Italy at the beach. We've been together for almost eight years and we're getting married on May 24, 2014." —Megan Krause

"My fiancé proposed on my birthday during a vacation in Cyprus. He took me out in a taxi to Aphrodite's Rock to watch the sunset (we love watching the sun set around the world on our travels; it's a special time for us). We made a pebble heart on the beach, then he pulled champagne, glasses and strawberries out of his bag and he got down on one knee! When we got back to the hotel, our room was filled with my favorite flowers: pink lilies and pink and red roses. Afterwards, he took me out for a fantastic meal. He's amazing!" —Jess Pleasant

Pleasant tells us she enjoyed "special treats" all day leading up to her marriage proposal. 
Photo Credit: Jess Pleasant

"My fiancé proposed to me while we were on vacation in San Francisco and Napa Valley. While we were touring Sterling Vineyard, we went on a private walk amongst the grapes. It was gorgeous. He stopped and told me he had been having such a wonderful first half of our trip with me as his girlfriend. Then he knelt down on one knee and said he would love to spend the rest of it with me as his fiancée. I was so surprised that I had to ask him if I had said 'yes!' We've been together for five and a half years, and we can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together." —Selina Ray

Give Me a Sign

"I'm a sixth grade school teacher in Egypt and my fiancé Liam works there with me. We've been together for three years, and one stressful day at school while I was marking exams, I got called to the assembly hall...these are all of the kids in my class (pictured below). It was the happiest moment of my life!" —Sarah Thompson

school proposal with students
Thompson tells us that although she and her fiancé had picked out her engagement ring together,
she had no idea "he had this in him."
Photo Credit: Sarah Thompson

"Keith and I met in 2003 but despite an instant connection, it took us 10 years to officially become a couple. In June, we went out to Sundays River in South Africa (we live in Port Elizabeth) for the weekend under the guise of a celebration for his sister's boyfriend. We were asked to retrieve relatives who had gone out to the sand dunes and we proceeded to take a boat to fetch them.

After scaling a massive dune, I saw the words 'Lee, will you marry me?' spelled out in the sand, along with a huge bouquet of roses and champagne waiting for me. Keith brandished me with my dream engagement ring on bent knee. I ecstatically said yes and our lives were cemented forever." —Lee Vorster

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Vorster and her fiancé stayed in The Addo Elephant National Park for the remainder
of their proposal weekend.
Photo Credit: Lee Vorster

"Prior to a flood in Colorado, where I live, we had a severe hail storm, which damaged our roof. My clever fiancé contacted the roofing company two weeks prior to replacing it and he asked if he could paint his proposal on our roof. The foreman granted him permission and chuckled, saying he'd let his crew know the message wasn't intended for them.

A week later, my cousin shared a photo with me from Facebook that a passerby had taken — our proposal had gone viral." Kristi Whitcomb

Whitcomb's unique proposal captured the attention of passerby.
Photo Credit: Kristi Whitcomb

"My fiancé put the ring on a fishing pole, we went fishing and I reeled it in and he proposed!" —Jennifer Lynn

fishing pole proposal
Don't try this at home!
Photo Credit: Jennifer Lynn

"At our cattle branding this year, my fiancé Jared tagged a little calf with a tag that said 'Will you marry me 18/05' so when I bent down to put a metal tag in his ear, he took the ring out of his vest pocket and I instantly bent over crying, as this was a total shock to me. I said yes as I hugged Jared." —Chantal Gallant

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"This is now my special calf, which I have named Diamond, and she will stay on the ranch forever," says Gallant.
Photo Credit: Chantal Gallant

Inspired by a Famous Book, Band or Movie

"My proposal was a Harry Potter-inspired love story treasure hunt. It was so beautiful! Watch a video of it here." —Yams Conde

harry potter proposal
Conde's proposal was dedicated to the couple's mutual obsession with the Harry Potter series.

Photo Credit: Yams Conde

"My fiancé proposed by asking me to close my eyes while he told a story of how every day with me was like living in a tropical paradise. Then he tied a string around my finger, just like in the movie Stepmom. He had me open my eyes as the ring slid down the string. He was so nervous that he accidentally put it on the wrong finger!" —Donna Rebel Pierce

"My favorite movie is Say Anything, so on September 28th, my fiancé showed up to my house wearing a trench coat and he held up a stereo that played Peter Gabriel's 'In Your Eyes' outside of my bedroom window. I ran outside to see what was going on and he asked me to marry him." —Nicole Fernandez

"On August 29th I was absolutely shocked when my love got down on one knee and proposed to me when we were backstage with my parents at The Band Perry concert (they're my favorite band). It was the best day of my life; it felt like a dream!" —Mallarie Wolfenbarger

the band perry proposal
Wolfenbarger's fiancé enlisted the help of a famous band to help him pop the question.
Photo Credit: Mallarie Wolfenbarger

"My fiancé planned a surprise trip to New York for our fourth anniversary. I'm a huge Sex & the City fan, so he took me for dinner at Buddakan (a restaurant that was featured in the first SATC movie) and he popped the question there with the most beautiful, sparkly ring! I couldn't be any happier. It was a dream come true." —Dawn Drysdale

sex and the city proposal
Drysdale's fiancé channeled her favorite heroine, Carrie Bradshaw, for her glamorous NYC proposal.
Photo Credit: Dawn Drysdale

It's a Family Affair

"My fiancé's family lives in Puerto Rico. I had met his sisters, who live in New York, but I had never met the most important women in his life: his mother and his grandmother. We scheduled a 'vacation' to Puerto Rico in April for me to meet the rest of his family, knowing that I was going to hopefully get their approval!

Instead he asked me to marry him in front of 20 of his closest family members on April 20th. The surprises kept coming and coming. It was (and will always be) one of the most amazing nights of my life." —Celena Simerly

Simerly will marry her best friend on April 12, 2014.
Photo Credit: Celena Simerly

"My fiancé proposed to me in front of both of our families. I always told him I wanted to be proposed to with a ring pop so his mom, aunt, and sister all put ring pops on my hand and asked me to marry them (I had no idea what was going on). Then he asked, 'What about me?' He put a ring pop on my finger, then said, 'Wait, I have something better.'

He pulled out a real ring box this time and started playing 'Marry Me' by Bruno Mars. I was completely speechless and was crying my eyes out, but I did say yes and we are getting married on May 25, 2014!" Christine Ann

"My parents called and told me to organize a business dinner at a nice restaurant — I had no idea what was really going on behind the scenes. So I planned dinner at an amazing Brazilian restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. Afterwards, my fiancé told us how much he loves us all and how special my parents are to him.

He turned to me and said it would be his honor if I married him. He got down on one knee, and it finally hit me: The man of my dreams and my best friend was proposing to ME! That was the best night of my life so far." —Tuti Cunningham

"We are so blessed to have each other," says Cunningham.
Photo Credit: Tuti Cunningham

"On June 15th, my fiancé and I had plans to meet friends for a double date lunch. Before leaving to meet our friends, he blindfolded me in the car. We surprise each other often, so I wasn't suspicious. He drove to a nearby park and proposed in front of some of our friends, including the ones that we were supposed to meet for lunch. And instead of working, he had set up our engagement picnic at the park. He even put the ring in an antique ring box. I can't wait to marry him." —Sarah Fuller

"We will be getting married on August 9, 2014. My fiancé proposed to me at a lake we frequent often in the summertime, and my friends and family took part in the proposal. It didn't go according to plan — as he was getting ready to ask me, he asked his best friend to idle the boat forward a little, but he actually went full speed ahead, which threw Justin off the boat (ring and all). It was still a perfect day, though!" —Catherine S. Bailey

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Bailey is getting married on the bank of the lake where she got engaged.
Photo Credit: Catherine S. Bailey

Our Special Place

"My fiancé set up a proposal scavenger hunt in Disneyland since I've always been a huge Disneyland fan. Each clue (there were six) brought us to a different ride in the park, and a staff member at the end of each ride handed me the next clue. The last one took me to Rapunzel's room. Rapunzel told me to close my eyes and make a wish, and when I opened them, he was down on one knee." —Sarah McIntosh

disney scavenger hunt proposal
One of McIntosh's friends who works at the park helped out with the logistics of her proposal.
Photo Credit: Sarah McIntosh

"My fiancé proposed right next to the reflecting pool in Washington, DC where we had spent the Fourth of July together a couple of years ago. It completely took me by surprise. I had thought his friend was just being nice and doing a 'couples photo shoot' while we were in town for a family event, but it turned into an engagement session." —Caitlan Keith

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"It was absolutely amazing, romantic and thoughtful!" says Keith of her proposal.
Photo Credit: Caitlan Keith

"My proposal was perfect because the beach has always been my happy place. I am a nurse and I work in a stressful environment so we frequent there any chance we get. Aaron, my fiancé, knew that, and he wanted to take me to 'my happy place' to ask me to be his wife! My dad and I have collected shells together since I was a little girl and that added to the significance of the moment. It was the perfect proposal!" —Kristin Gunnell Price 

"My fiancé Mike faked a leg cramp and said he wanted to go for a walk to stretch it out. He led me to the park by the bay where we had our romantic third date. As we walked beneath the twinkle lights, I noticed that he started to get nervous, and then all of a sudden, he asked me to marry him! His friend was hiding out in the park and took photos of the whole thing (pictured below).

Afterwards, my fiancé said, 'Your carriage awaits!' and behind us was a Cinderella carriage that he had arranged to rent for the evening! He even had champagne waiting for us to enjoy as we rode around the waterfront and watched the moon sparkle on the bay." —Danielle Keen

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"It was more than I ever could have hoped for," says Keen of her proposal.
Photo Credit: Danielle Keen

"We got engaged in St. Ives in Cornwall, England this July. We've been together for 13 years (it will be 15 years by the time we're married). We've gone there every year for the last six years and we fell in love with this location. Last year, we visited there for my birthday and I took a photo of my fiancé and my two daughters by the shoreline. We blew the photo up, put it on canvas, and it's hanging on our dining room wall. My fiancé chose the same exact spot to propose with our daughters by our side." —Kate Lee

"My fiancé proposed on top of Mount Herman in Monument, Colorado, which is one of our favorite places. The proposal was simple, but perfect. No bells, whistles, and extras — just us. He got a little ahead of me on the hike. When I caught up, he placed the box containing my ring in a rock crevasse. He said, 'Come here, I have a flower for you.' When I saw it, he asked if I would marry him." —Sarah Shank

hiking proposal
Shank's flower-shaped box contained a precious piece of jewelry inside.
Photo Credit: Sarah Shank

"When I was 12 years old, I went to Ireland with my family and I told my dad that I always wanted to get married in O'Brien's Tower on the Cliffs of Moher. (The history of the tower isn't so grand but as a little girl, it symbolized that 'princess for a day' idea to me.) Several years later, after moving to Germany to be with the man of my dreams, we went to Ireland to visit family members. He remembered my story, and although we can't bring our families to Ireland to get married, he figured a proposal was just as good...and boy was it ever! Oh happy day!" —Kaitlin Mattes

ireland proposal
Mattes' girlhood dream came true when her fiancé asked her to marry him in Ireland.
Photo Credit: Kaitlin Mattes

"My fiancé proposed on the balcony of a restaurant (our spot) in his hometown in Louisiana. It was perfect." Betsey Gooch

Photo Credit: Betsey Gooch

Down on One Knee, Daredevil Style

"My fiancé proposed 4,000 feet up at the top of a mountain after a long hike. It was the best day of my life!" —Kimberly Marie

Photo Credit: Kimberly Marie

"My fiance surprised me with a sunrise hot air balloon ride and as we were taking off, I was told to look down. Below me, I saw a banner that said, 'Will you marry me?' I looked back at him and he was down on one knee with the ring!" —Alexa Davis

"My fiancé proposed to me 6,000 feet in the air while piloting us to a University of Arkansas Razorback football game!" —Cathelene Hoskyn Arnold


Photo Credit: Cathelene Hoskyn Arnold