Unconventional Things to Include on Your Wedding Website

Photo: By Hallie

Wedding websites are a valuable tool for the engaged couple — these days, having a website is basically a necessity for wedding planning. It allows your guests to RSVP, provide valuable information, and showcase the couple's love story. But if you don't want to stop at the essential information, there are a variety of ways to make your website stand out. Here are some expert tips on unconventional things to include on your wedding website.

"We've had several couples put attire style guides on their website to help their guests express their creativity and style in wedding attire. One of our weddings has a Studio 54 vibe, and they wanted to make sure the guests knew they could go all out with their attire. Another wedding has a vintage '40s Hollywood style, and it was much easier to explain this to guests with photos than words." —Cathy O’Connell, COJ Events

"Share the deep meaning of the location or venue with your guests. Almost every couple has shared a story on why they chose to get married at their location/venue/city or town. Sometimes, it's where the bride or groom's parents married 35 years ago, and sometimes it's a destination wedding where the couples' families visit every summer and hold special memories. We've also seen couples decide to marry at a destination they spent their first date or vacation with." —Mary Angelini, Key Moment Films

"An entire 'headshot' portrait list of the wedding party and potential family involved in the wedding! While just being a tiny little graphic, I've seen some couples do a mini storytelling experience with who their party is and why they are a part of their lives. I think it is super sweet and makes it fun." —Jen Sulak, Weirdo Weddings

"Many couples include childcare information on their websites. In case someone didn't get the gist that their kids weren't invited through the invitation itself, having a page dedicated to childcare options should get the point across. From sitters that can come to hotel rooms to services they can contact themselves, make it easy! And when someone RSVPs that their kids are coming? You can share the link as a good solution to allow the adults to have fun while the kiddos are well taken care of." —Nora Sheils, Rock Paper Coin, Bridal Bliss

"Couples that had destination weddings offered excursions that they didn't pay for as options for guests to participate. We were in Cabo, and they rented a catamaran. There was a link to a payment portal on the website to pay if you were interested in going. This same couple allowed their guests to schedule appointments with glam directly from the website. Their guests received hair and makeup services daily once the bridal party was taken care of." —Alicia Igess Jones, Alicia Igess Jones

"We love when couples make their website a group project when it comes to photos. Asking guests to share their favorite photos of them with the couple throughout the years. Then after/during the wedding, guests can share their dance floor candids for the couple to have as well." —Angie Johnson, Sapphire Celebrations

"We once saw a request for submissions for great memories or impressions of the couple on the wedding website. It's a great idea that gives additional material for the ceremony officiant." —Brian Franklin, Vows & Speeches

"I love to have my clients add a section on ‘How We Greened Our Wedding,’ which highlights the local farms where we sourced wine and food, as well as gorgeous flowers for the day. Bonus points for couples who offset event carbon emissions, including guest travel, vendor trucking deliveries, and building energy use for the weekend. Going green makes everyone feel good, so why not share the love on your website and inspire others in the process?" —Corina Beczner, Vibrant Events

"An unconventional thing you may want to include on the wedding website is an explanation of your customs and traditions, especially if you are having a multicultural wedding where you are combining your faith. Guests will appreciate the explanations of certain rituals and events." —Lilia Shatnaya, Plume and Stone Invitation Studio

"Make the celebration experience more memorable by having your invitees create the playlist for the reception. Imagine every song was chosen by a person near and dear. You could even dissect the list with the different event categories, such as cocktail and reception music." —Jacqueline Vizcaino, Tinted Events Design and Planning

A solid wedding website is vital to guest communication and the wedding’s overall success. However, adding a little creativity to your site can drastically enhance the guest experience — and give you even more memories to reflect on your special day together.